How to Adopt a “Cats Exotics”

Do you long to own a cat exotic like a lion, tiger or leopard? Although it sounds wonderful, the reality is that you might not be able to afford such cats exotics. Although exotic cats are available for purchase, it is worth thinking twice about buying one of these large kitties. Here are some tips from a local veterinarian before you adopt an exotic cat.

Price of Cats Exotics

An exotic cat can cost thousands of dollars. Prices vary depending on what kind of cat you are buying. Prices for mid-sized cats such as Servals range from $1700 to $3000. Ocelots are available for as high as $15,000 while Tiger cubs, which are illegal in many parts of the country, can be as low as $7500.


A typical house cat can live in an apartment or smaller space. Cats exotics, on the other hand, are larger and more energetic than house cats, so they require more space. It is possible that you will need to create a large enclosure for your exotic cat. Felines won’t be happy in an unattended pen or cage. It is important to have lots of toys and furniture for your big cats.

Legislation of Cats Exotics

The laws regarding exotic pets can vary depending on where you live. Savannah cats, for example, are prohibited in some states but not all. You may want to review the regulations of an HOA if you live in one. This is also something you should consider if you move to another place.

Veterinary Care

You should also consider finding a vet who is familiar with exotic cats. Many veterinarians have extensive training in caring for domestic cats. However, cats exotics have special needs.

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Exotic pets are a popular choice because they can be majestic, beautiful, unusual, and fascinating. Most of these exotic pets are not suitable for pet ownership. This is true for large cats as well. Don’t adopt an exotic pet. Instead, donate to a trusted rescue.

Behaviour of Cats Exotics

Do not assume that a large cat will behave like a domestic cat. Cats exotics may not like litter boxes while other cats don’t love being handled. Ocelots, for instance, are not accustomed to being domesticated and will ignore commands…even more than the average housecat.


You may need to compromise and get a Bengal. These charismatic and adorable cats are exotic but they’re just as big as your average cat!

Consult your vet before you purchase cats exotics!