A Guide To Elevated Liver Enzymes In Dogs: The Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

If your dog has elevated liver enzymes, you should be aware of the signs and symptoms of this condition. The symptoms and treatments for elevated liver enzymes in dogs are outlined in this article. In addition to discussing the symptoms, this article also examines the causes of elevated liver enzymes and the different treatment options available. It is important to know that elevated liver enzymes in dogs are often caused by several different conditions. If your dog has elevated liver enzymes, it is important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential causes.

The Causes Of The Elevated Liver Enzymes In Dogs

Multiple Disorders

Dogs’ elevated liver enzymes may be a sign of a variety of disorders. Liver disease can occur due to a variety of causes, including trauma, toxins, poor circulation, and metabolic disorders. Symptoms of liver disease may include jaundice, inappetence, and increased thirst. Blood tests may help determine the cause of the condition, and can also show elevated liver enzymes.

Metabolic Disease

There are several causes of increased levels of liver enzymes in dogs, including metabolic diseases, such as hypo or hyperthyroidism, Cushing’s Syndrome, or a drug reaction. Liver enzymes can be elevated by many medications, including anti-inflammatory or arthritis medications. However, the patient’s physical exam and any other signalment can further refine the differential diagnosis. Some of the most common causes of elevated liver enzymes in dogs are listed in Table 2.


Although it’s still early to conclude a definitive genetic link between elevated liver enzymes and human hepatitis, several studies on dogs have revealed that they share common genetic determinants. The genome of canines has been sequenced and mapped over the past several years, and genetic studies using high-density SNP arrays have been conducted in several breeds. The genetics of hepatitis and liver disease in dogs has been largely focused on identifying causal variants associated with genetic diseases and morphological traits, such as liver disease.

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Infectious Agents

Infection can be one of the causes of elevated liver enzymes in dogs. Other causes include liver injury, endotoxins, and obstructed bile flow. The hepatic abscesses are most often associated with underlying biliary diseases. Infections can also trigger immune-mediated responses that perpetuate inflammation and oxidative insult. Antimicrobial therapy should target both anaerobes and aerobes.

Are There Any Specific Treatments?

Supportive Therapy

Supportive therapy is also recommended. Despite the lack of a cure, treatment for elevated liver enzymes in dogs is possible, and the symptoms of this disease may subside within several weeks.

Dietary Changes

While a vet can recommend a diet that is suitable for a dog elevated liver enzymes, the simplest approach is to make some simple changes. Many dogs with liver disease are underweight and malnourished, so eliminating chicken meals from the diet can be beneficial. Also, consider adjusting the number of meals a dog has each day. Smaller meals, four to five times a day, can be helpful for dogs with elevated liver enzymes. This will keep the digestive system from becoming overwhelmed and will allow the liver to do its job well.


Adding SAM-e to your dog’s food is a natural way to support liver and brain health. The product should be blended with a B-vitamin supplement that also contains vitamin B6, B12, Folate, and choline. The product should be given daily with other foods.  You can also find it in capsule or liquid form at PureFormulas. Liqui-Tinic 4X is another option for your pet. This product contains milk thistle, amino acids, and B complex vitamins.

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Treatment for elevated liver enzymes in dogs can vary depending on the underlying cause of the condition. Some dogs may be exposed to toxins that cause the failure of their livers. To remove the toxins from the stomach, your vet may induce vomiting and perform gastric lavage. He may also prescribe medications to prevent the absorption of toxins and antidotes to fight the toxin. But, it would be wiser to look for natural treatments for dog elevated liver enzymes. Prana pet’s liver support is one such institution that provides natural alternatives to issues like elevated liver enzymes in dogs.


Because raised levels of liver enzymes in dogs are often a sign of a larger problem, it’s important to discuss them with your veterinarian. Your vet may want to perform a full diagnostic workup to determine what is causing the elevated liver enzyme levels. Your vet may choose to prescribe a drug or other treatment option based on the results of the tests. Otherwise, your vet may recommend further tests or treatments to determine the underlying cause.